الأحد، 30 نوفمبر 2014

glutenfree granola with almonds, hempseeds and dried physalis & design letters GIVE AWAY

finally it´s december! we love the season before christmas, the smell of fir needles in the air, lighten the first candle of the advent wreath...and of course all the lights in the city. everything feels much more cozy and you eat more cake and cookies than usual :D
to celebrate all of that, and to celebrate the first of december, we have a very cool GIVE-AWAY for you today. It´s WORLD-WIDE, so don´t miss it. you have the chance to win a breakfast-set of the beautiful danish table-ware from DESIGN-LETTERS with famous ARNE JACOBSEN'S VINTAGE ABC. the set contains two bowls, a milk jar and a sugar pot with a black lid.
all you have to do, is write a comment under this post with your mail-address.
we will announce the winner next sunday, on the 7th of december. good luck!
when we got our breakfast-set, we immediatly had the idea to make a delicious granola. because of the almonds and the spices it already tasted like christmas. we love homemade granola, and when you have to eat glutenfree you enjoy it even more because there are not many places (actually i don´t know a single one...) were you can buy a good glutenfree granola in berlin. but anyways, i´m sure you will love this one as much as we did, so enjoy and have a lovely week everyone!

glutenfree granola with almonds, hempseeds and dried physalis
ingredients (for one large storage jar)
200g glutenfree oats
70g almond slices
30g hempseeds
0,5 tsp cinnamon
1 dash cloves
1 dash cardamom
1 dash salt
60ml sunflower oil
5 tbsp liquid honey (e.g. acacia honey)
50g dried physalis
50g pomegranate seeds

preheat oven to 160degrees fan (or 175degrees top/bottom heat). line a baking sheet with parchment paper. mix oats, sliced almonds, hempseeds, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and salt. stir in the sunflower oil, add the honey and mix thoroughly. spread the granola on the baking sheet and bake for 20-25min at 160degrees fan until the granola turned nicely gold brown. let it cool off and fill into a storage jar together with the dried physalis and pomegranate seeds. the granola is delicious with fresh pomegranate on top, milk (rice milk or any milk that you like) or of course yoghurt.

endlich ist es dezember!! wir beide lieben die vorweihnachtszeit sehr! der geruch von tannennadeln in der luft, das anzünden der ersten kerze auf dem adventskranz und natürlich all die vielen schönen lichter in der stadt...alles ist viel gemütlicher und außerdem isst man noch mehr kuchen und kekse, was gibt es also besseres :D
um all dies zu feiern, haben wir heute ein richtig tolles GIVE-AWAY für euch. es gilt WELTWEIT, diesmal kann also jeder mitmachen. ihr habt die chance ein breakfast-set vom dänischen lable DESIGN LETTERS zu gewinnen, mit dem berühmten vintage ABC print von ARNE JACOBSEN. das set beinhaltet zwei schüsseln, ein milchkännchen und eine zuckerdose mit einem schwarzen deckel.
alles was ihr tun müsst, ist unter diesem post einen kommentar mit eurer mailadresse zu hinterlassen. wir losen den gewinner dann am sonntag, den 07. dezember aus. viel glück ihr lieben!
als wir unser breakfast-set bekommen haben, hatten wir sofort die idee ein leckeres granola zu machen. durch die mandeln und die gewürze schmeckt es auch schon richtig schön weihnachtlich.
und wir lieben selbstgemachtes granola sowieso über alles!
wenn man sich glutenfrei ernähren muss, schätzt man es wahrscheinlich noch viel mehr, ich kenne jedenfalls keinen einzigen laden in berlin, wo man ein gutes glutenfreies granola kaufen kann...wie auch immer, wir sind uns sicher, ihr werdet das rezept mögen, also probiert es und guten appetit. euch allen einen schönen start in die neue woche!

glutenfreies granola mit mandeln, hanfsamen und getrockneten physalis
zutaten (für 1grosses vorratsglas):
200g glutenfreie haferflocken
70g mandelsplitter
30g hanfsamen
0,5 tl zimt
1 prise nelkengewürz
1 prise kardamom
1 prise salz
60ml sonnenblumenöl
5 tl flüssiger honig (z.b. akazienhonig)
50g handvoll getrocknete physalis
50g handvoll granatapfelsamen

ofen auf 160grad umluft (oder 175grad ober/unterhitze) vorheizen. backbleck mit backpapier bedecken. haferflocken mit mandelsplittern, hanfsamen, zimt, nelkengewürz, kardamom und salz vermischen. sonnenlblumenöl unterrühren. honig dazugeben und alles gut vermischen. auf dem backblech verteilen und für 20-25min bei 160grad umluft backen bis das granola goldbraun wird.
abkühlen lassen und zusammen mit den getrockneten physalis und granatapfelsamen in ein weckglas füllen. zum müsli passen frische granatapfelkerne, milch oder natürlich joghurt.

الجمعة، 28 نوفمبر 2014

Dublin Foodie Caroline Byrne is appointed new Secretary General of Euro-Toques Ireland

Caroline Byrne has been appointed as the new Secretary General of Euro-Toques Ireland. Caroline is taking over from Ruth Hegarty, who worked with Euro-Toques Ireland for the past 11 years. 

Caroline Byrne takes over as Secretary General of Euro-Toques Ireland

Caroline is best known in the industry as chief Dublin Editor of John and Sally McKenna’s Food Guides (formerly known as Bridgestone Food Guides) and for her involvement with the TASTE Council of Ireland, the steering committee for artisan food producers. Previously, Caroline was editor of food industry trade magazine ShelfLife and has experience in PR, Marketing, Business Development and Social Media through her work with small and medium size food businesses and consumer foods focussed PR agencies.

Commissioner General Wade Murphy and the Board of Commissioners welcome Caroline to Euro-Toques Ireland and look forward to working with her in the next phase of the organisation’s development.

Euro-toques – the European Community of Chefs – was established in Brussels in 1986 by the top chefs in the region. Their purpose was to form a network of chefs committed to quality local food sourcing and to be a voice for the industry to protect Europe’s traditional foods and culinary heritage.

Myrtle Allen of Ballymaloe House was one of the founding members and went on to found Euro-toques Ireland the same year. Euro-toques Ireland lobbies on a variety of food policy issues and is heavily involved in education, focussing on food education for children and skills training for chefs, in addition to organising food-related events and activities for both industry and the public. 

You can follow Caroline on Twitter at @DublinFoodie
For more info on Euro-Toques see: www.euro-toques.ie.


الثلاثاء، 25 نوفمبر 2014

Gerard Collier of Fisherman’s Catch, Clogherhead, wins BIM Young Fishmonger 2015

Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), the Irish Seafood Development Agency, has named Gerard Collier of Fisherman’s Catch, Clogherhead, Co. Louth, as the winner of the BIM Young Fishmonger 2015 competition. The awards event was held yesterday, in the Radisson St. Helen’s Hotel, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin.

BIM Young Fishmonger of the Year 2015, Gerard Collier with Martin Shanahan

Gerard was selected as winner from a shortlist of five finalists, all of whom demonstrated to the judges, an exceptional high standard in technical expertise, product knowledge and customer service. Martin Shanahan, owner of Fishy Fishy Café & Restaurant, author and TV broadcaster was the guest speaker at the event, where he congratulated the finalists and commended their passion for the seafood industry.

This is the second year of the BIM Young Fishmonger Awards, developed by BIM to recognise and reward young fishmongers. Their aim is to encourage new entrants into the business and to ultimately raise the bar across the Irish fishing sector.

The judges were very impressed with the knowledge, skills
and commitment demonstrated by all the finalists

The other finalists in BIM’s Young Fishmonger 2015 competition were: Stevie Connolly, Connolly’s Seafood, Rathmines, Dublin 6; Neil Turner, Caviston’s Food Emporium, Glasthule, Co. Dublin; Mateusz Kowalik, Doran’s on the Pier, Howth, Co. Dublin and Gary Quinn, Stephen’s Fish Market, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath.

Speaking at the awards ceremony today, Donal Buckley, Business Development & Innovation Director at BIM said; ‘Our role, as the Seafood Development Agency, is to develop the retail trade in terms of seafood presentation, training and food safety management. We see this initiative as an exciting component of this strategy." 
He added, "Congratulations to our worthy winner Gerard Collier and his colleagues at Fisherman’s Catch, I hope this experience and the competition prize fund allows you to further develop what is a very successful family business."

As overall winner of the competition, Gerard will be offered a study trip to France, a cheque for €1,000, a set of professional knives and a specially designed trophy. Along with the other finalists he will also benefit from a free placement on BIM’s retail development workshop. As part of their prize, all of the finalists have already enjoyed an inspiring masterclass in seafood cookery with Martin Shanahan.

Fishing Boats at Killybegs Harbour in Donegal

Throughout the competition, the judges put all the finalists through their paces with three different stages of scoring. This included  two unannounced visits to their shops to assess product knowledge and customer service and a practical test where they were asked to fillet and prepare a range of fish and shellfish for customer use, under time constraints. 

Finalists were also required to discuss their plans, opportunities and challenges for their business. Throughout all the stages, the judges were very impressed with the knowledge, skills and commitment demonstrated by all the finalists. Well done Gerard!


الأحد، 23 نوفمبر 2014

22 year old Matthew Logan is Euro-toques Young Chef of the Year 2014

Matthew (Matt) Logan, a chef de partie at Chapter One restaurant, Dublin, was awarded the coveted 2014 Euro-toques Young Chef of the Year title earlier today. 

22 year old Matthew Logan is Euro-toques Young Chef of the Year 2014 
The annual Euro-Toques Young Chef final took place today, at an exclusive pop up event on Capel Street and Matt was one of five finalists who battled it out over the past two months to win this esteemed title. His prize includes an all expenses paid work-period at the world-renowned The Square Restaurant in London. There Matt will work under the direction of two star Michelin chef Philip Howard, who was this year’s special guest judge. Philip is also co-proprietor of the Ledbury and Kitchen W8, both also in London.

The other four finalists were: Luke Ahearne, aged 22, Chef de Partie at Campagne, Co. Kilkenny, John Fitzmaurice, aged 25, Sous Chef at the Mustard Seed, Co. Limerick, Chris Fullam, aged 21, 3rd year Culinary Arts student at DIT, Cathal Brugha Street and Ian McHale, aged 26, Senior Chef de Partie also at Chapter One restaurant.

Euro-toques, the European Community of Chefs, was established in Brussels in 1986 by a group of top chefs in Europe. Their purpose was to form a network of chefs committed to quality local food sourcing and to be a voice for the industry to protect Europe’s traditional foods and culinary heritage. Myrtle Allen of Ballymaloe House was one of the founding members and she went on to found Euro-toques Ireland the same year. 

In recent years, the Euro-Toques Ireland Young Chef competition has evolved, incorporating social media elements and exciting new event formats but the reason behind it has remained the same. The competition is a search for Ireland’s best young chefs, who show creativity, skill and superb cooking talent. The core value of all Euro-Toques chefs is a passion for local and seasonal sourcing of food product.

The competition is now in it’s 24th year and focused on the theme “No Chef is an Island”. Euro-toques, in association with Fáilte Ireland and industry sponsor La Rousse Foods, is a search to find a young Food Ambassador for Ireland, who can contribute to developing an identity for Irish cooking and to promote Ireland’s culinary reputation at home and abroad.

Guest Judge Philip Howard is impressed with Matt Logan's Euro-Toques final dish

Speaking after being crowned Euro-toques Young Chef of the Year, Matt said,“I am absolutely delighted with the result. The competition has been a huge challenge and has really tested my abilities in lots of ways. It’s been a very intense few weeks, but there is a lot of intensity to being a chef and that is what we thrive on. It has been a great buzz working with the other lads and a huge honour to cook for the judges. The whole experience has been great, tough work, but great. I am looking forward to representing Euro-toques and Fáilte Ireland over the next year and going to work with Phil Howard at the Square – and thrilled to have the opportunity”.

Chefs JP McMahon, Philip Howard, Paul Kelly and Euro-Toques Ireland President chef Wade Murphy

Commenting at the final, Wade Murphy, President of Euro-toques Ireland said, “The 5 young chefs here tonight have gone through a rigorous selection process and some very tough tasks. Their work ethic and passion for what they do is inspiring. I loved seeing the seriousness with which they approached each stage, but also the camaraderie between them and the enjoyment they clearly took in each challenge. They are all extremely talented chefs and they are the people who will build Ireland’s culinary scene and reputation in the years to come." He continued, "It's always very difficult to have just one winner, but the points decide it in the end. Matt consistently showed great skills, creativity and dedication to his craft throughout the competition and we are delighted to announce him as Euro-toques Young Chef of the Year 2014”.

Failte Ireland Food Tourism Manager, Helen McDaid

Helen McDaid, Food Tourism Manager at Fáilte Ireland said, “In the last few years, as Ireland’s food revolution has gathered pace, Fáilte Ireland has worked closely with Euro-toques Ireland and their Young Chef of the Year competition as a key means of identifying the new wave of inspired Irish chefs to establish and promote ‘Irish cuisine’ in both domestic and international markets.” This partnership has allowed the competition to reach new heights and new audiences ensuring it will provide an excellent opportunity for a future sponsor who shares these goals.

The event also gave the finalists the chance to tantalise the taste buds of Ireland’s most celebrated chefs and almost 200 other guests as they served out their own signature dishes. The five young chefs were assisted on the night by a professional team consisting of Declan Maxwell (Chapter One Restaurant) acting as front of house, Peter Everett (Restaurant Forty One at Residence) overseeing the kitchen and special guest MC’s for the evening David and Stephen Flynn from The Happy Pear.

Congrats to Matt on an excellent performance throughout the Euro-Toques Young Chef 2014 competition and we wish him a continued successful career as an award-winning Irish Chef.


glutenfree carrot cake topped with ginger and sea salt almonds

to be honest: this was the first carrot-cake i had in my life. 
not only the first one we made, also the first one i have ever eaten. and i have to say, i don´t know why i waited for such a long time :D i have the feeling i say this every time when nora comes up with a new cake recipe but seriously this is my new favorite glutenfree cake!!
because we are already in a christmas-mood we added some gingerbread seasoning to the frosting and put ginger and roasted almonds on top of the cake. as there is hardly any light these days the pictures turned out very dark, maybe a little bit to dark - but that cake was way to delicious, so we really have to share the recipe with you guys. we hope you have a lovely sunday!

100g butter
100g sugar
1-2 eggs (depends on the size)
150g rice flour
1,5 tsp tartan baking powder
1 prise salt
50g marzipan
200g carrots, shredded
1 small piece fresh ginger
70g mascarpone
150ml heavy cream
1/2 vanilla bean
75g cream cheese
175g icing sugar
1/2 tsp gingerbread seasoning (amount depends on your taste)
1 handful roasted almonds, sweet-salty (you can buy them or prepare them easily - see recipe below)
1/2 egg white
a dash of sugar + salt
1 handful candied ginger

preheat oven to 160degrees (fan assisted; or 180degrees top/bottom heat). mix butter (room temperature) and sugar for about 2-3min, then stir in the egg/eggs thoroughly. mix in a separate bowl rice flour, tartan baking powder and salt and sieve the flour-mixture in 3 parts to the butter-sugar-egg-mix and stir. chop the marzipan into tiny cubes (5mmx5mm) and fold in the dough. peel the carrots, shred them and fold in the dough together with some fresh grated ginger as well. line the bottom of the springform pan (18cm-20cm ø) with parchment paper and grease the sides. fill the dough into the springform pan and bake for ca. 45min until the top turned nicely brown and the dough is done (make the wooden pick test). let cool off about 10min, then take off the cake from the springform pan and let cool down completely on a cooling rack.
whip the cream, fold in gently the mascarpone cream plus the pulp of the vanilla bean. cut the cake horizontally (do first some horizontal marks with a knife at the sides to use these as orientation). 
spread the mascapone cream generously on the lower part of the cake  and leave for 1 hour in the fridge, so the cream can get a bit more firm.
sweet salty almonds:
preheat the oven to 175degrees top/bottom heat. roast the almonds in a pan from both sides. whisk a bit an eggwhite and toss the almonds in it. line a baking sheet with baking paper and spread some salt and sugar on the paper. place the almonds on it and spread more sugar and salt on top. bake the almonds for 5min and take them off for cooling down.
mix cream cheese with icing sugar and gingerbread seasoning. place upper part of the cake on the mascarpone-cream and spread with a tablespoon a thick layer of frosting. quarter candied ginger and garnish it together with the almonds on top. in case the creams get soft, leave the cake in the fridge until 30min before serving.

german translation
um ehrlich zu sein, war dies mein aller erster carrot cake.
nicht nur der erste den wir gebacken haben, auch der erste den ich jemals probiert habe. warum ich so lange damit gewartet habe ist mir allerdings ein rätsel :D ich habe das gefühl ich sage das jedes mal wenn nora ein neues kuchenrezept kreiert hat aber dieser kuchen ist bestimmt mein neuer glutenfreier lieblingskuchen!!
weil wir schon in weihnachtsstimmung sind haben wir etwas lebkuchengewürz zum frosting hinzugegeben und den kuchen mit gerösteten mandeln und kandiertem ingwer geschmückt.
da es momentan leider nur grau und düster draußen ist und sich vor allem der kleine rest licht immer schneller verabschiedet sind die fotos diesmal etwas sehr dunkel geraten. wir hoffen ihr habt ein nachsehen mit uns, aber dieses leckere rezept mussten wir einfach mit euch teilen. wir hoffen ihr habt noch einen schönen sonntag!


100g butter
100g zucker
1-2 eier (je nach größe)
150g reismehl
1,5 tl backpulver
1 prise salz
50g marzipan
200g karotten, geraspelt
1 kleines stück frischer ingwer
70g mascarpone
150ml schlagsahne
1/2 vanilleschote
75g frischkäse
175g puderzucker
1/2 tl lebkuchengewürz (oder mehr, je nach geschmack)
1 handvoll geröstete mandeln, süß-salzig (fertig kaufen oder einfach selber machen s. unten)
1/2 eiweiss
etwas zucker + salz
1 handvoll kandierter ingwer

backofen auf 160grad umluft vorheizen (oder 180grad ober-unterhitze). 
butter (zimmerwarm) und zucker 2-3min lang aufschlagen, dann das bzw. die eier sorgfältig unterrühren. reismehl, backpulver und salz vermischen und in 3 portionen in die rührschüssel dazusieben und unterrühren. marzipan in kleine würfel schneiden (etwa 5mmx5mm) und unterheben. karotten schälen und fein raspel. Ingwer raspeln und zusammen mit den geraspelten karotten unter den teig heben. die seiten einer springform (18cm-20cm ø) buttern und den boden mit backpapier auslegen. teig einfüllen und bei 160grad umluft (o. 180grad ober-/unterhitze) etwa 45min backen bis die oberseite ein schöne farbe bekommen hat und der teig durch ist (holzstäbchen-test). kuchen für 10min abkühlen lassen, dann aus der form lösen und auf einem kuchengitter komplett abkühlen lassen. 
sahne aufschlagen, mascarpone und das vanillemark vorsichtig unterheben. kuchenboden zerteilen (vorher seitliche markierungen mit einem messer machen zur besseren orientierung beim zerteilen). mascarpone-creme großzügig auf der unteren hälfte des bodens verteilen und für 1stunde in den kühlschrank stellen, damit die creme etwas fester werden kann. 
süß-salzige mandeln:
mandeln in der pfanne rösten, ein eiweiss verquirlen und die mandeln darin kurz schwenken. geröstete mandeln auf ein mit zucker und salz bestreutes backblech mit backpapier legen und oberseite mit zucker und salz bestreuen; für 5min bei 175grad im backofen backen, dann abkühlen lassen.
frischkäse mit puderzucker und lebkuchengewürz verrühren. oberen boden auf die mascarpone-creme setzen und mit einem esslöffel eine dicke schicht frosting verstreichen. kandierten ingwer vierteln und zusammen mit einer handvoll mandeln auf dem frosting verteilen. evt. bis 30min vor dem verzehr in den kühlschrank stellen, falls die creme weich werden sollte.

الثلاثاء، 18 نوفمبر 2014

The Simpsons co-creator, Sam Simon, saves Irish "Gay" Bull

Benjy, a clinically declared Gay Charolais Bull, from Co Mayo, Ireland, farmer, has escaped the butcher’s block after Sam Simon, the co-creator of The Simpsons cartoon, stepped in to pay the balance of the animals retirement home payments.

The bull had failed to impregnate any of the cows in a Mayo farmer’s herd showing more interest in the other bulls on the farm!

Mr Simon pledged to pay the €6,250 (£5,000) needed to save Benjy, after a crowd funding campaign was set up by the Animal Rights Action Network (Aran.) Another €5000 had already been raised through donations and Mr Simon offered to make up the balance.

Sam Simon, who is suffering from terminal cancer and is donating his $100m fortune to charities, is a long-time animal activist and his contribution will allow Benjy the Gay Bull to live out his days at the Hillside Animal Sanctuary in England. Plans are being made to transport the grateful bull to his retirement home in December.

Sam Simon, along with Matt Groening and James L Brooks created the cartoon series, The Simpsons, in 1989. He led the original team of the popular animation's writers.

Mr Simon was diagnosed with colon cancer two years ago and was given only three months to live, though he continues to fight the disease. He is well known as a philanthropist with a special interest in animal protection.


الثلاثاء، 11 نوفمبر 2014

glutenfree avocado pancakes with poached egg & GIVE AWAY

first of all, we have a really cool give away on our blog today - two gift cards of the german brand MARLEY SPOON. unfortunately it's only for our readers, who live in germany (but there will be another give away for those, who can´t participate this time soon) so stay tuned!
marly spoon's chefs invent delicious recipes. on their website you can choose the recipes you like and marly spoon will send you all the ingredients and the a recipe card, so the only thing that you have to do is start to cook. we think it´s a really cool concept, especially for people who don´t have that much time and still want to cook with fresh ingredients instead of ordering a pizza. 
marley spoon is gonna be available in the uk and the neatherlands soon, so keep updated.
if you live in germany ALL YOU HAVE TO DO to participate is leave a comment under this post with your email-address until the 15th of november. we draw by lot the winners and inform them via mail. the two gift cards that you can win have each a value of 48 Euros, which means you get 4 servings of the recipe / dish you choose. 

the recipe, that we want to introduce to you today is special as well. it´s very easy and still so delish!!
we have a huge addiction for avocados and also for pancakes. so last weekend we had the idea to combine these two. and i have to say it was a good idea :D
we added hempseeds, so they have a nutty flavour and the poached egg on top just makes everything perfect.  btw we found such a great video on youtube how to get the perfect poached egg, so if you are struggling with it as well have a look here

glutenfree avocado pancakes with poached eggs & caramelized onions

2 ripe avocados
50-100ml milk
120g rice flour
1 tbsp hempseed shelled
1 tsp tartan baking powder 
1 dash of nutmeg
1 dash of salt & pepper
coconut oil
2 eggs
1-2 red onions
1 rosemary sprig
olive oil
1 tsp liquid honey

mash the avocados with a fork in a soup plate and stir in the milk (better start with 50ml milk and add later some more, if the dough turns out to be a bit to firm).
mix in a separate bowl the rice flour, hempseeds, baking powder, nutmeg, salt & pepper. add the avocado-milk-mix to the bowl and stir thorougly with a tablespoon. heat some coconut oil in an iron pan and create pancakes with a tablespoon (each pancake is a full tablespoon of dough - use the tablespoon-back to flatten the pancake-dough). because the dough is egg-free, the pancakes are a bit more unstable then regular pancakes, so be a bit careful, when you flip them. cook every side for about 2min on medium heat until they look crispy.
caramelized onions:
peel onions, cut into thin rings, let cook for 5min (add the rosemary sprig and turn the onions in between). spread the honey on the onion rings and salt. 
heat water in a pot until 180°F. break one egg and put it into a fine mesh strainer and gently swirl it around until all the excess white is strained away. lower the strainer with the egg into the hot water , move it back and forth a little bit, so the egg can slide completely into the water. flip them from time to time with a spoon to make sure, that they cook evenly. cook them for 3-4min, then take them off. 
place some onions on the pancakes, then the poached egg on top. salt and pepper a bit.

german translation
wir haben heute ein richtig tolles GIVE-AWAY für euch.
und zwar verlosen wir 2x einen gutschein von MARLEY SPOON, allerdings nur für all diejenigen, die in deutschland wohnen.
bei marley spoon  kreieren jede woche köche 7 leckere rezepte, die ihr euch auf der website von marley spoon ansehen könnt.
aus diesen rezepten könnt ihr auswählen was ihr gerne kochen möchtet und marley spoon schickt euch die zutaten
(versandkostenfrei!) sowie die dazugehörigen rezeptkarten direkt nach hause. ziemlich praktisch wie wir finden. vor allem, wenn man wie wir, fast jeden tag kocht bzw. kochen muss.
die zwei gutscheine, die es zu gewinnen gibt, sind jeweils im wert von 48 euro, das beinhaltet jeweils vier portionen des entsprechenden gerichts, was ihr euch auswählt. 
also nichts wie los! ALLES WAS IHR TUN MÜSST ist unter diesem post einen kommentar mit eurer emailadresse zu hinterlassen. das give-away läuft bis zum 15. November, dann losen wir die gewinner aus und benachrichtigen euch per mail. viel glück ihr lieben!

natürlich haben wir auch noch ein rezept für euch parat und zwar etwas ganz besonders leckeres!
wie ihr sicher mittlerweile wisst, lieben wir pancakes und avocados. warum also die zwei nicht miteinander kombinieren dachten wir uns letztes wochenende - und ich muss sagen, das war wirklich eine ziemlich gute idee :D
um ein nussiges aroma zu bekommen haben wir den avocadopancakes hanfsamen hinzugefügt und das pochierte ei on top rundet alles ab! also lasst es euch schmecken!

glutenfreie avocado-pancakes mit pochiertem ei & karamellisierten zwiebeln

2 reife avocados
50-100ml milch
120g reismehl
1 el geschälte hanfsamen
1 tl weinsteinbackpulver 
1 prise muskat
1 prise salz & pfeffer
2 frische eier
1-2 rote zwiebeln
1 rosmarinzweig
1 tl flüssiger honig

die avocados in einem tiefen teller mit einer gabel zerdrücken und die milch unterrühren (lieber mit etwas weniger milch anfangen und später, falls die konsistenz des teigs zu fest ist, noch etwas unterrühren). in einer separaten schüssel mehl, hanfsamen, backpulver, muskat und salz & pfeffer miteinander vermischen und anschliessend den avocado-milch-mix untermischen und gut mit einem esslöffel verrühren. in einer eisenpfanne etwas kokosöl zum schmelzen bringen und bei mittlerer hitze mit einem esslöffel den teig zu kleinen pancakes portionieren,  2min von jeder seite knusprig anbraten lassen. da die pancakes ohne ei sind, sind sie etwas instabiler, deswegen etwas vorsichtig beim wenden sein.
karamellisierte zwiebeln:
zwiebeln schälen, in feine ringe schneiden, in etwas olivenöl für 5min anbraten lassen (den rosmarinzweig dazulegen und die zwiebelringe zwischendurch wenden)und zum schluss etwas flüssigen honig darüber verteile. salzen.
einen topf mit wasser aufsetzen und bis kurz vor dem siedepunkt (82°C) erwärmen. jedes ei einzeln aufschlagen, in ein handsieb geben, sodass das überschüssiges eiweiss abtropfen kann (dabei das sieb etwas hin-und herbewegen). das sieb mit dem ei ins heisse wasser tauchen und das ei durch leicht rüttelnde bewegung des siebs ins wasser gleiten lassen. mit einem esslöffel das ei immer wieder bewegen, sodass es von allen seiten gleichmäßig gekocht wird. kochvorgang 3-4min. eier aus dem wasser nehmen, kurz ruhen lassen.
zuerst ein paar karamellisierte zwiebeln auf den pancakes anrichten, das pochierte ei darauf setzen und mit salz und pfeffer bestreuen.

الاثنين، 10 نوفمبر 2014

Help make sure our local Irish Seafood is named correctly

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) are inviting input into Ireland's Fishery and Aquaculture Products Commercial Designation List. All EU Member States are required to publish a list of the commercial designations together with their scientific names of fishery and aquaculture products, accepted in their territory.

This list must indicate the scientific name for each species, its name in the official language or languages of the Member State and, where applicable, any other name or names accepted or permitted locally or regionally.

Commercial designations must be used when marketing fish in the EU and are provided to consumers at the point of retail.

The inclusion of the common names or local names of fish or aquaculture products in the commercial
designation list helps ensure that consumers are provided with accurate and consistent information and are then able to make informed choices. This is where we can all help out as there are many different names used for the same species of fish, in different parts of Ireland.

Sprat, also know in Donegal as "Sprit"

For example, here in Donegal we use both the names "Sprit" and "Sprat" for that small tasty oily fish, Sprattus sprattus, which is a member of the Clupeidae family that includes Herrings and Sardines. It may only be a small variation in the name but if these local names are not recorded, they will get lost.

Irish White Fish, Oily Fish and Shellfish, in Gaelic. pic Somethingfishy.ie

On the 13th December 2014, the current legislation S.I. 320 of 2003 and its associated list of commercial
designations will be replaced as EU Regulation No. 1379/20131 will apply from this date. Therefore this is
now an appropriate time to ensure that the commercial designation list includes all the relevant
species. See http://www.fsai.ie/uploadedFiles/Reg1379_2013.pdf Articles 35-37 for name references.

The FSAI invites all interested parties to submit their comments on the draft Fishery and Aquaculture
Commercial Designations List that accompanies this consultation.

Submissions to the Consultation
If you are making a submission, please state whether the views expressed are personal or are
being made on behalf of an organisation. If the views of an organisation are being submitted it
should be made clear what organisation is being represented.

The Closing Date for Submissions is 26th November 2014

Submissions may be e-mailed to: consultation@fsai.ie
or may be posted to:
Consultations, Food Safety Authority of Ireland, Abbey Court, Lwr Abbey Street, Dublin 1.
See also www.fsai.ie/consultations/


السبت، 8 نوفمبر 2014

glutenfree pear-tart with rosemary and honey

we totally missed the pear season this year - all the fruits in our garden on the countryside were already overripe when we wanted to pick them so we made pear puree of them instead :)
but still we wanted to bake something with pears, so we went to our favorite market in berlin, bought some pears, went to the countryside and started to bake. it was our second glutenfree tart and i think it tasted really delish. you just have to be a little bit careful when you cut the tart into pieces because of the glutenfree flour the bottom is not so solid. but as you can see on the pictures nora was careful enough and it worked out perfectly. i love the combination of pear, rosemary and honey - i think i could get used to it that nora bakes it once a week :D
here you go for the recipe. have a lovely weekend everyone!

ingredients (for a 28cm-ø tart pan):
125g rice flour
125g buckwheat flour
75g sugar
125g cold butter
1 egg
2-3 pears
500ml rhubarb juice
2-3 rosemary sprigs
butter (ca. 20g)
1-2 tbsp honey

clean the pears and cut them into thin slices. put them into a bowl and spread the rhubarb juice on top until the slices are covered and leave them in the fridge for 1-2 hours (or overnight).
sieve the flours into a bowl, add the sugar and the egg. cut the butter into small cubes and stir it in the flour-sugar-egg-mix. in the end knead the dough for a minute, then wrap with clingfilm and leave the dough for at least 1hour (or overnight) in the fridge. 
preheat the fan oven to 160 degrees. butter the tart pan (eventually flour it). take the dough out off the fridge, put it between two large pieces of clingfilm and roll the pastry with a dough roll (a bit larger than the size of the tart pan). put the pastry on the tart pan, press the dough on the sides of the tart pan and cut off the remaining parts, which overlap at the sides. prick the dough a few times with a fork. arrange the pear slices circular and a bit overlapping from outside to inside on the pastry base. spread the butter (chopped into small cubes) on top and add the rosemary sprigs. bake the tart for 20-30min at 160 degrees at the fan oven until the crust turns nicely brown. let the tart cool down at a cooling rack and spread the honey on top.

german translation
dieses jahr ist die birnensaison leider viel zu schnell an uns vorbeigerauscht. all die früchte in unserem garten auf dem land waren schon überreif als wir sie pflücken wollten, sie mussten anstatt dessen also zu birnenpüree verarbeitet werden (ist sehr lecker zu milchreis!).
aber natürlich wollten wir trotzdem gern etwas mit birnen backen, also sind wir losgezogen, auf unseren liebsten wochenmarkt in berlin, haben schöne birnen gekauft, sind ab in unser studio auf land gefahren und nora hat angefangen zu backen. es ist erst unsere zweite glutenfreie tarte und ich finde sie hat köstlich geschmeckt! man muss ein bisschen vorsichtig sein, wenn man sie in stücke schneidet, da sie durch das glutenfreie mehl schneller brechen kann als eine "normale" tarte aber wir ihr auf den fotos sehen könnt waren wir vorsichtig genug und es ist uns sehr gut geglückt. ich liebe einfach die kombination aus birnen, rosmarin und honig - da könnte man sich glatt dran gewöhnen diese leckere tarte gleich jedes wochenende zu essen :)
nichts also los wie zum rezept und habt noch ein schönes wochenende ihr lieben!

birnentarte mit rosmarin & honig

zutaten (für eine 28cm-ø tarteform)
125g reismehl
125g buchweizenmehl
75g zucker
125g kalte butter
1 ei
2-3 birnen
500ml rhabarbersaft
2-3 rosmarinzweige
butter (ca. 20g)
1-2el flüssiger honig

birnen in dünne scheiben schneiden, in einer schüssel übereinanderstapeln und soviel rhabarbersaft darüber giessen, dass die birnen knapp bedeckt sind. für 1-2 stunden (oder über nacht) in den kühlschrank stellen.
für den teig beide mehlsorten in eine schüssel sieben, den zucker und das ei dazugeben. butter in kleine stückchen schneiden, dazugeben und alles mit dem mixer (knethaken) verrühren. zum schluss teig kurz mit den händen kneten, in frischhaltefolie verpacken und für min 1stunde (oder über nacht) im kühlschrank kühlen. 
ofen auf 160grad umluft vorheizen. tarteform buttern (und evt. mehlen). teig aus dem kühlschrank nehmen und zwischen zwei großen lagen frischhaltefolie mit einer teigrolle ausrollen (etwas größer ausrollen als die tarteform). teig auf die tarteform stürzen, die seiten leicht andrücken und überschüssige teigreste an den seiten abschneiden. mit einer gabel den boden an ein paar stellen einstechen. die birnenscheiben scheiben kreisförmig und leicht überlappend von aussen nach innen auf dem tarteboden legen. die butter in kleinen flocken auf den birnen verteilen und die rosmarinzweige dazulegen. tarte für 20-30min bei 160grad umluft backen bis der rand schön braun wird. auf einem kuchengitter abkühlen lassen und den flüssigen honig verteilen.